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Kina Ha

Kina Ha was a female Kaminoan Jedi of the Old Republic, which made her virtually the only one of her kind. Born of one of the Kaminoans experiments with selective breeding and genetic manipulation, Kina Ha's genetics were designed for a deep-space exploration project. When it became known that Kina Ha possessed a sensitivity to the Force, the scientists on Kamino planned to have her reeducated, a polite way of saying that the anomaly she represented was to be eliminated. Rather than face this fate, Kina Ha fled Kamino and eventually crossed paths with Trandoshan Jedi Master Kras'dohk.

Master Kras'dohk took Kina Ha on as a Padawan, but Kina's education in the Force was unorthodox. While she was raised as a Jedi, she was followed the Jedi code more than the Jedi Order. During her extended lifetime, she dealt with the Jedi Council on Coruscant on only three or four occasions. Although her Jedi training was not done according to the traditions of the day, the Jedi Council believed that Kina Ha was a true Jedi Knight and were content with allowing her to operate on her own.

With her long years, Kina Ha lived to see Master Kras'dohk pass into the Force and resolved to travel the galaxy as a Jedi Knight. For over a century Kina Ha journeyed from star system to star system, planet to planet. Having taken up temporary residence on Vorusku, Kina Ha experienced what she would view as a vision of the future. In her dream, millions of soldiers prepared for war as the Dark Side manipulated the events that drove them to war. Haunted by this vision, Kina Ha returned to Kamino more than a century after she fled for her life.

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